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News from Iceland

Reykjavík Grapevine,  27 July 2024 7:45 PM
The Many-Splendored Joys Of A Trip To ÚTL
The couches give way till you can feel the lumps underneath. The long queues are managed by a workforce too... more

Reykjavík Grapevine,  27 July 2024 7:38 PM
Road Trip Snacks & Questionable Life Choices
It’s summer (kinda), you’ve packed the car to head out for a weekend adventure. There’s just one thing to do... more

Iceland Review,  27 July 2024 3:16 PM
Glacial Flooding Temporarily Closes Route 1
A glacial flood has begun from Mýrdalsjökull in South Iceland, and has washed over Route 1, also known as the Ring Road, RÚV reports. Road closed for the time being Glacial floods are a regular occurrence in Iceland, especially in the summer months, often leading to swelling rivers that can affect bridges and roads. In […] more,  27 July 2024 2:58 PM
Glacial runoff has started: Water flowing over the highway
Glacial runoff has started. A glacial runoff has started in Skálm east of Mýrdalsjökull. Glacial water floods the highway in the area. more

Iceland Review,  27 July 2024 11:14 AM
VIDEOS: Humpback Whales Spotted Cavorting in East Iceland
People who happened to be in the East Iceland village of Borgarfjörður eystri during the past few days have been greeted by a pleasant surprise, as a pod of humpback whales chose the harbour as a spot to romp and play, to the delight of all who witnessed the occasion, Austurfrétt reports. Like the whales […] more

Iceland Review,  27 July 2024 10:52 AM
National Energy Authority to Subsidise Solar Panels
The National Energy Authority is now accepting applications for those who want to install solar panels. Although not a part of the national grid, solar panels can be beneficial to people under specific circumstances. Priorities Iceland is well known for its abundance of sustainable energy, with most homes around the country getting their electricity, hot […] more,  26 July 2024 8:00 PM
Humpback whales are social opportunists
The humpback whale is different from many whales in the sense that it is more curious, less afraid of people and boats. Humpback whales have been unafraid to hang out at Iceland's ports. There are now about ten humpback whales at the harbor in Borgarfjörður East, and a whale expert says they are sociable creatures that are not afraid of people, but there is one thing in particular that draws them so close to land. more

Reykjavík Grapevine,  26 July 2024 5:26 PM
Grapevine Events: Skóffin, Mannfólkið Breytist í Slím & More
Breaking: Sun in Reykjavík! Drop what you’re doing (unless you’re a surgeon) and get out to the streets. We can’t... more

Reykjavík Grapevine,  26 July 2024 5:11 PM
LungA Casts Its Last Spell: The Ending Of Iceland’s Most Creative Festival
Along the seemingly tiny stretch of Ránargata, people spill from bars into the street — dancing, chatting, and making out.... more

Reykjavík Grapevine,  26 July 2024 3:10 PM
Editorial: Video Games Are Growing Up
There’s a certain stigma attached to being a gamer. And I mean… I get it. For a lot of Gen... more

Iceland Review,  26 July 2024 2:50 PM
New Images Show Lava Flow Around Grindavík
Loftmyndir ehf., a company which specializes in mapping, geospatial imaging, and aerial photography, recently published a new map of Grindavík which helps visualize the flow and accumulation of lava. more

Iceland Review,  26 July 2024 2:08 PM
Play CEO: Q2 Results Stable Despite ISK 1.1 Billion Loss
Budget airline Play lost some ISK 1.1 billion [$8 million, €7.3 million] in the second quarter of this year, RÚV reports. Play CEO Einar Örn Ólafsson called the results “not much worse than expected.” Play faces tough market Following its July 22 press release which predicted operational losses for the airline, Play shares plunged some […] more,  26 July 2024 9:14 AM
The arctic tern's nest is thriving
Sneaky minks could not wreak havoc on the artic tern's breeding this year. The arctic tern’s nesting (Sterna paradisaea) at Seltjarnanes has gone beyond expectations and no minks attacked the nests. more,  25 July 2024 1:47 PM
Accident at the biggest intersection in Reykjavík last night
A lot of police cars came to the scene last night. There was a high level of alertness at the intersection of Miklubraut and Kringlumyrarbraut at eight o'clock last night following a collision between a pick-up truck and a police car. more,  24 July 2024 4:43 PM
Diving in Stuðlagil Canyon without fear
Viktor Yngvi Ísaksson, a 19-year-old enthusiast in death diving. The 19-year-old risk-taker Viktor Yngvi Ísaksson made the bold decision to dive into Stuðlagil Canyon recently. He has been diving out in nature for three years and has gained considerable experience in his practice during that time. more,  24 July 2024 8:01 AM
Eruption risk rising in Grindavík
Frá Grindavík. According to the latest Met Office data, Magma continues accumulating under Svartsengi. A magma run or a volcanic eruption is expected in the next two to three weeks. more

The Icelandic Meteorological Office,  23 July 2024 11:15 PM
Magma accumulation under the Svartsengi region continues at a steady rate
Updated 23 July at 18:00 UTCGround deformation continues, and magma accumulation under Svartsengi has persisted at a steady rate in recent weeks. Based on the volume loss observed during diking on 29 May, and continued subsidence during the first week of the May-June eruption, it is estimated that a volume between 13 to 19 million cubic meters needs to be recharged before the next event is triggered. According to model calculations, the total recharge volume is likely to approach 16 million cubic meters in the coming days. There is some uncertainty in these calculations, but a new magma intrusion and an eruption is considered highly probable within the next two to three weeks, provided the magma inflow rate to the Svartsengi reservoir remains stable.more,  23 July 2024 9:31 AM
Fewer tourists could lead to a faster drop in policy interest rates
The tourism industry’s peak season appears to be considerably weaker than expected in the spring, and it is likely that tourist numbers will be lower this year than in the previous year. This is reflected in Íslandsbanki’s analysis. more,  22 July 2024 9:49 PM
Video: Smoking from a crack that splits Mt Hagafell
“The whole of Mt Hagafell is just a cracked,” Jón Steinar Sæmundsson told more,  21 July 2024 3:00 PM
The actor Örn Árnason does not put all his eggs in one basket
The beloved actor Örn Árnason is also a licensed guide with the right to drive a bus for 20 people. Here he is close to Ólafsvík, in and old round-up area. Örn Árnason, actor and guide, is a great storyteller. One of his favorite stories from the Icelandic historical lore is the story of Berserkjabraut on Snæfellsnes. When Örn is guiding foreign visitors, he often goes there. more,  21 July 2024 10:00 AM
Played chess outside in great weather
This is the first time that the Icelandic Chess Federation has hosted a chess tournament in Ingólfsstorg square. The sun was shining on the chess players who attended the Icelandic Chess Federation tournament in Ingólfstorg yesterday. A total of 33 players participated in the tournament and Arnar Gunnarsson was the winner. more,  20 July 2024 3:27 PM
A natural paradise close to Reykjavík
Hvammsvík in Hvalfjörður is a natural paradise not far from Reykjavík. Hvammsvík is a unique natural paradise in Hvalfjörður, less than an hour from the capital area. The history of Hvammsvík dates back to the twentieth century, as mentioned in Landnáma when Hvamm-Þórir settled in the area. Hvammsvík was a long-standing farm, with a military base during World War II, a golf course, a campsite, and fishing for a while. more,  19 July 2024 8:51 PM
Cyclists will take over Hvolsvöllur this weekend
The race starts at Hvolsvöllur and from there the cyclists ride up Syðri-Fjallbakur and to Landmannahellir, around Mt Hekla, and back, all in all, it's 200 km. Almost 1,200 competitors are enrolled in the International Bike Race The Rift, which begins at Hvolsvöllur tomorrow, Saturday. The race will take place on the 200-kilometre route the competitors will cover. The vast majority of the competitors are from abroad, and about half of them have participated before. According to the weather forecast, weather gods will be on the team with the cyclists. more

The Icelandic Meteorological Office,  16 April 2024 4:02 PM
One month since the start of the eruption at the Sundhnúkur crater row
Today marks one month since the beginning of the eruption that is ongoing at the Sundhnúkur crater row. The eruption, which began on the evening of March 16, is the fourth in a series of eruptions that started when magma began accumulating beneath Svartsengi in late October 2023.more news
     Lagarfljót Worm Truth Committee Still Investigating
     Höfn in Hornafjörður town has risen 15 cm since 1997
     Hikers to bring mobile to Hekla volcano

News in English are provided by Iceland Review, Reykjavík Grapevine, and Icelandic Meteorological Office.