Reykjavík to Borgarnes, Snæfellsnes peninsula, Westfjords, Borgarnes to Akureyri, Akureyri to Egilsstaðir and the highlands. Heavy wind and blowing snow or sleet. Bad visibility and difficult driving conditions, especially for vehicles that take on wind. Adjust travel plans.
March, 2025: Sólheimajökull.Risk of rocks falling in Sólheimajökull. Be careful when hiking on the glacier and stay away from areas where rocks might fall.
March 2025: Possibility of eruptionThe town of Grindavík and surrounding areas are hazardous due to the possibility of a new eruption that can start with very short notice. If any signs of eruption are detected, evacuate the area immediately. Don’t use flight mode on phones while staying in the area since information will be delivered via text messages. Please […]