The brothers VÆB are Iceland's Eurovision hopefuls this year.
Darren spoke to them on Monday, and put your questions to Hálfdán & Matthías.
Since they talked, it was confirmed that VÆB will open […] more
The Samtök sveitarfélaga á Vesturlandi (Federation of Municipalities in West Iceland) is calling on the government to approve an emergency allocation of funds for the maintenance and improvement of roads in West Iceland.
The organisation considers the current state of roads in the region unacceptable and says immediate action is needed to ensure public safety.
A resolution to this effect was passed at the […] more
Gísli Rafn Ólafsson, director of the Rauði krossinn, has expressed concern that services for refugees and asylum seekers may be interrupted when three of the organisation's agreements with Vinnumálastofnun (Directorate of Labour) and the félagsmálaráðuneytið come to an end.
As a result, the Red Cross has already had to terminate the employment of thirteen staff members over the past two months.
Bankruptcy proceedings have concluded for Niceair, which operated flights between Akureyri and Denmark, the United Kingdom, and Spain. The airline began flights in June 2022 but ceased operations in April of the following year and was declared bankrupt shortly afterwards.
The total claims amounted to ISK 184 million, but none of it was recovered.
Problems emerged early on when it became apparent that flights to […] more
Lögreglan á höfuðborgarsvæðinu (Capital Area Police) has issued a warning about thieves operating in the city centre.
Reports have been received of thefts from pockets, bags, and backpacks, both in public areas and at accommodation sites.
The warning states that the thieves are foreign and "dressed like tourists, so to speak", carrying backpacks. They target tourists, often working in pairs or groups, […] more