News from Iceland,   26 July 2024 8:00 PM
Humpback whales are social opportunists
The humpback whale is different from many whales in the sense that it is more curious, less afraid of people and boats. Humpback whales have been unafraid to hang out at Iceland's ports. There are now about ten humpback whales at the harbor in Borgarfjörður East, and a whale expert says they are sociable creatures that are not afraid of people, but there is one thing in particular that draws them so close to land. more

Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (RUV),       26 July 2024 5:00 PM

At the Wilderness Centre guests experience the spirit of the past, as the lives of those who have lived in this remote but beautiful part of Iceland are remembered and celebrated.
Ella, the manager of the centre, guided Darren around the sights.
Hit the play arrow below to hear the show.

RÚV English Radio covers everything Icelandic - news, culture, music, language, events, […] more

Iceland Review,   26 July 2024 2:50 PM
New Images Show Lava Flow Around Grindavík
Loftmyndir ehf., a company which specializes in mapping, geospatial imaging, and aerial photography, recently published a new map of Grindavík which helps visualize the flow and accumulation of lava. more

Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (RUV),       26 July 2024 12:32 PM
Madagascar spider named after Vigdís

A tiny spider discovered in Madagascar has been named vigdisia praesidens after former Icelandic president Vigdís Finnbogadóttir. It is the first species of the vigdisia class to be discovered.

Tiny but incredibly elegant

“It’s so small you can barely see it, but it’s beautiful,” says Ingi Agnarsson, examining the spider under a microscope. “It’s incredibly clever when it hunts.” […] more

Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (RUV),       26 July 2024 12:11 PM
Eruption getting closer

In recent weeks, seismic activity on the Reykjanes Peninsula has increased but is still relatively low compared to the activity on the eve of the last eruption. Magma accumulation and land rise continue at a steady pace.

The Met Office expects a new magma flow and even an eruption within the next two weeks. Its latest statement says that a magma flow without an eruption […] more,   26 July 2024 9:14 AM
The arctic tern's nest is thriving
Sneaky minks could not wreak havoc on the artic tern's breeding this year. The arctic tern’s nesting (Sterna paradisaea) at Seltjarnanes has gone beyond expectations and no minks attacked the nests. more

Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (RUV),       25 July 2024 5:00 PM
RÚV English Radio - AUÐSKILIÐ - THE "MASK" AWARDS, in simple Icelandic

Atli joins Darren again to read a recent news story in simple Icelandic.
We look back on a story from May about the "Mask" awards.
As ever, you can practice your Icelandic by following along with the story here - we start just under the photo.
Hit the play arrow below to hear the show.

RÚV English Radio covers […] more

Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (RUV),       25 July 2024 3:16 PM
"Just like in a Disney movie"

The mooring workers of the port of Ísafjörður were honored with a special invitation the day before yesterday when they were invited on board the Norwegian Prima cruise ship, which visited Ísafjörður for the seventh time this summer.

Heimir G. Hansson, director of the Ísafjörður Tourist Information Center, says cruise ship captains do not often invite port employees, other than the most senior ones, to visit them on board. This is a […] more