Ieva Dambrauskiene is the CEO of The Dance Space Reykjavik, and runs classes for aspiring young cheerleaders in the capital and beyond.
Cheerleading, often thought of as an entirely Amercian activity, actually has a much bigger presence in Iceland than many people think, as Ieva told Darren earlier today.
RÚV English Radio can be heard freely in Iceland, and around the […] more
Einar Þorsteinsson, mayor and leader of Framsóknarflokkurinn (Progressive Party) in Reykjavík, dissolved the majority coalition in the city council on Friday.
He immediately began discussions with minority parties about forming a new majority, but it quickly became clear that this would not be possible.
The mayor said he was compelled to dissolve the majority coalition because there was no consensus on planning […] more
The east-west runway at Reykjavíkurflugvöllur was closed over the weekend by order of Samgöngustofa (Icelandic Transport Authority), as the height of the vegetation in Öskjuhlíð is considered a threat to flight safety.
Fifty trees will be felled in the coming days.
Hallgrímur Jón Hallgrímsson, a lumberjack, says that various factors must be considered when felling trees.
The […] more
The risk assessment from Veðurstofa Íslands (Icelandic Meteorological Office) regarding the seismic activity on the Reykjanes Peninsula remains unchanged. There is a considerable likelihood of an eruption.
Magma in the magma chamber beneath Svartsengi on the Reykjanes Peninsula has reached its lower tolerance limits. The eruption could occur in the Sundhnúkur crater row this week or next.
“There is ongoing […] more
The illnesses of guests at two Þórrablót in South Iceland were most likely caused by a bacterium called bacillus cereus, according to the website
At least 140 reports of illness were received by the Office of the Chief Epidemiologist after the events at Þorlákshofnar and of the Hvatar Youth Association in Grímsnes and Grafningshreppur in the first weekend in February. 400 guests attended the two events.